A prayer is for far away
A conversation is for close
Where you want to be .....
When you need a favor
When your heart clamors for touch
But touch doesn’t work
When no one else knows and
And you need to whisper
To someone
When no one is there
To kiss away your tears
When laying down
Gives you no rest
When mourning is black
And no one has your back
When the sun rises
And you stay on your back
When anger is at your doorstep
Waiting to take you away
From those you love
And hurt those who need you
What would heal your soul
Make you whole
Storming heaven is
Swelling with leaven
Mary’s quiet request
Birthed His public miracles
When you whisper to Him
Quietly in your bed
Will He not give you
Greater than the things
Of which you dream?
Might He answer your whispers
In the night
With the gentle calming
You give your own babies?
Might He teach you to wait
When later secret gifts
Are worth waiting for?
Might the Mighty One
You approach this way
Instead of saying no
Always speak of better
Than you think or ask?
Might your wondrous conversing
Begin reversing
The smallness of you mind
The poverty of your expectations
The weariness of your soul?
Might these quiet conversations
Bleed into your other relationships
People you love
Who need to converse with
Him like you!
Might your joy in this intimacy
Lead you to let Him have his way
Hesitantly first
Then more often with confidence such that
Your wisdom some day
Lets Him have his way
Oh, happy Day
This will be the day
When your every prayer
Bathed in the expectation
Of his wise purpose
Is perfectly answered
And then you will
Bask in the comfort
Of His comfort
Protecting you from your